
I’m So Lucky………or Am I?

I’m So Lucky………or Am I?

I am currently going through a major life transition, and I have to say it is a gut-wrenchingly painful experience. My emotions have run the entire spectrum from one end to the other and I’m, quite frankly, exhausted. But just when I feel like I can’t take another step forward a friend steps in to boost me up. 

Hey, Wanna Sit at my Lunch Table? Adult Friendships and Middle School Vulnerability

Hey, Wanna Sit at my Lunch Table? Adult Friendships and Middle School Vulnerability

I am about to hit send on an email. My heart is pounding and I feel like I am back in middle school sitting alone in the cafeteria eyeing that kid I would really like to be friends with (who of course is at the cool table), but don’t have the nerve to do anything about it. I almost convince myself to delete the message but something stops me. So I decide to hit send even though the vulnerability of doing so almost makes me physically ill. There, I’ve done it. Yikes, I’ve done it.

How Did You Get Here?

How Did You Get Here?

I had never taken the time to sit down and reflect on how, in fact, I did get here. Then recently, providence would have it that I went down an internet rabbit hole and landed on a blog post that challenged me to write my story. This exercise actually revealed some things that surprised even me.

I’m okay. Until I’m not.

I’m okay. Until I’m not.

And now here we are in 2020 and I seem to be falling apart. “What’s wrong with me?” I ask. “I’ve been through much worse so why can’t I handle this?” I wonder. “Why don’t you just suck it up and get on with it?” I berate myself.

Hanging In – Sort Of

Hanging In – Sort Of

I normally really enjoy blogging. It’s a creative outlet for me that has come to be an important part of my routine, but since the world went sideways my mind has gone blank. I can’t remember anything and I seem to have forgotten how to talk. There is so much information out there – too much if you ask me. It’s difficult to keep yourself reasonably informed without being completely overwhelmed.

Chronic Injury in Children

Chronic Injury in Children

There is a disturbing movement in today’s society for children to be pushed to play sports too often and too intensely. Eight-year-old hockey players are on the ice 27 days a month. Nine-year-old soccer players are being told they have to drop all other activities and play all year ‘round if they want to succeed. This is not healthy.

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Book an Appointment

We are a small physiotherapy clinic located in Orléans (east end Ottawa), Ontario. M.A.P. Physiotherapists focus on what matters to you, spending time to understand your needs, and providing the personal attention that makes a real difference.

COVID Safety

Please note that three layered masks continue to be mandatory for everyone entering the clinic despite the lifting of this requirement by the Ontario government. We continue to prioritize your health by minimizing the number of people in the clinic, screening for illness, and cleaning regularly. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to serving your health care needs.