
Enough Stuff!

Enough Stuff!

Last Christmas was the breaking point for me. I remember standing amongst the chaos on the 26th of December and feeling upset to the point of nausea. There was so much stuff. Everywhere. Flung carelessly in every corner. Already discarded less than 24 hours later. Not...

Talking to Children About Death

Talking to Children About Death

Mon chat est mort. This is the title of the book my daughter has written and illustrated at school today. My cat is dead. Well, this should be an interesting read. I pick it up not knowing quite what to expect. To give you a little background, we had to put our cat...

Fragile Ground

Fragile Ground

I usually love autumn. I enjoy the coolness in the air, the disappearance of humidity, and the colours all around. I adore that first frost-filled early morning run when the air is crisp and you can see your breath. I love walking in the woods, smelling the fallen...

How To Base Train

How To Base Train

In my last blog I discussed the importance of training in your aerobic zone in order to build the base of your fitness pyramid. This is an oft-skipped step that only leads to frustration in the end. Now that you know the importance of it, let’s discuss how to do it....

The Importance of Base Training

The Importance of Base Training

I have made exercise a routine part of my life for many years now. I admit I have become somewhat addicted to the endorphin rush I get from a long sustained workout. But one thing I don’t do is exercise classes. For me part of the allure of exercising is having time...

The Cost of Saving Money

The Cost of Saving Money

I can do that myself. Why would I pay someone else?  These may be amongst the most expensive words ever spoken. Just because you think you can do something yourself doesn’t mean you should, particularly if you don’t have the expertise. I am talking about everything...

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Book an Appointment

We are a small physiotherapy clinic located in Orléans (east end Ottawa), Ontario. M.A.P. Physiotherapists focus on what matters to you, spending time to understand your needs, and providing the personal attention that makes a real difference.

COVID Safety

Please note that three layered masks continue to be mandatory for everyone entering the clinic despite the lifting of this requirement by the Ontario government. We continue to prioritize your health by minimizing the number of people in the clinic, screening for illness, and cleaning regularly. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to serving your health care needs.