Veronica’s Sports and Physiotherapy Journey
Growing up I always knew I wanted a career helping others. I wasn’t sure what that career would be though, until I had my first major injury at soccer at eleven years old. I injured my low back while sprinting for the ball. My injury shocked my parents, because...
Seven Things You Should Know About Physiotherapy in Children
Children are not small adults. They require a physiotherapist with paediatric experience. Treating injuries in children can be straightforward, until it isn’t. I often see on social media someone asking for recommendations for a physiotherapist for their injured...
You do NOT outgrow torticollis
“My other daughter had the same problem but she outgrew it on her own,” said the mother standing in front of me. Oh no, she didn’t. The condition in question is called torticollis. This is seen in newborns where we notice that the baby always keeps their head turned...
The Disastrous Toddler Hip Carry
There you are in the kitchen with a crying toddler, a baby crawling around your feet, and a pot boiling over on the stove. Everybody is hangry and you are rushing to get some food into those bellies. So you scoop up the crying child, prop them on your hip, and carry...