The Cost of Saving Money
I can do that myself. Why would I pay someone else? These may be amongst the most expensive words ever spoken. Just because you think you can do something yourself doesn’t mean you should, particularly if you don’t have the expertise. I am talking about everything...
Working Out Safely and Effectively
While remaining fit is a top priority for me, I do not work out at a gym. I never have for one very good reason. I just can’t watch what other people are doing without stressing out so badly I negate any benefits of going to the gym in the first place. Some of the...
Check Your Alignment – Save Your Tires and Your Joints
The mechanic tells you there is excessive wear on one of the tires of your car. He suggests a wheel alignment. Naturally you agree without blinking because it makes perfect sense to deal with the cause of the problem and not just change the tire. Now the orthopaedic...
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Many women who have been pregnant are familiar with the feeling of tingling and numbness in the hands. This often happens in the pre and post-natal period, but can also occur later on after several months of lifting babies in and out of cribs and such. Women are then...