Spring Tune-Ups for Injury Prevention
Now that the snow has finally melted around here, a new season of sporting activities is beginning. If you are about to start a sport, especially if it is something you have never done before, injury prevention should be something that is on your mind. A lot of...
I’m All Thumbs and They Hurt!
Thumbs are the kind of body part we never think about until something goes wrong. If you have ever hurt your thumb, you realize that we use them to do absolutely everything. They are, after all, one of the main features that separates us from other forms of life....
Who Says Moms don’t do Heavy Lifting?
When my daughter was born she was 22 inches long. Nearly two feet. How does that fit in there? My son wasn’t quite so long but was nine pounds and three ounces. Both long babies and heavy babies present unique challenges. For instance, it can be difficult to find a...
Sports Injuries in Young Girls
Studies show that young girls involved in sport are four to six times more likely to injure the anterior cruciate ligament (an important stability ligament in the knee) than boys. Why is this? Many factors have been hypothesized including muscular imbalances,...