I’m So Lucky………or Am I?
I am currently going through a major life transition, and I have to say it is a gut-wrenchingly painful experience. My emotions have run the entire spectrum from one end to the other and I’m, quite frankly, exhausted. But just when I feel like I can’t take another...
Hey, Wanna Sit at my Lunch Table? Adult Friendships and Middle School Vulnerability
I am about to hit send on an email. My heart is pounding and I feel like I am back in middle school sitting alone in the cafeteria eyeing that kid I would really like to be friends with (who of course is at the cool table), but don’t have the nerve to do anything...
How Did You Get Here?
When people experience my approach to treating a whole being and how it differs from the manner in which most health professionals look at things, I often get asked the question “How did you get here?” Up until recently my pat answer has been something like, “Oh, well...
I’m okay. Until I’m not.
I have been through a lot prior to this fiasco we call 2020. To say the past few years have been difficult is an understatement of gargantuan proportions. Within a period of a little less than two and a half years my dear friend and business partner was diagnosed with...