Orthopædic Conditions

Painful conditions such as tendonitis, bursitis, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and back pain are really just a symptom of something gone wrong elsewhere in the body. The traditional approach to treating the painful area seldom brings lasting relief since it doesn’t address the underlying cause. Previous injuries also play a big part as the body works around them by overcompensating in other areas. What’s in front of you is usually just the tip of the iceberg.
The “Itis” Conditions
The suffix “itis” simply indicates inflammation. Inflammation occurs because of irritation from undue stress placed upon an area. Undue stress is placed upon an area because some other part of the body isn’t doing its job. Picture playing tug-of-war and half your team goes for coffee. You have to work harder and eventually you hurt yourself or give up. Your tissues don’t have the option of quitting, so injury occurs. In order to fix the situation once and for all we have to get the whole team working together again.
The True Cause of Plantar Fasciitis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
This is a very common condition, diagnosed far more often in women than men. While the name suggests the problem is in fact in the carpal tunnel, which lies at the wrist, treatment aimed only there almost never brings about lasting relief. As symptoms often occur in both hands, the problem likely lies more centrally. This requires a full body assessment to find the root cause.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Back Pain
Back problems are extremely common in both the sedentary and the active. While the pain may be localized to the back, the problem is not. Dealing with back issues on a long-term basis requires assessing the entire body and how our systems of stability are functioning. The back is but one cog in this stability system. It just happens to be the one that pays the price most often.
Sciatic Pain Isn’t Really About Your Back

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We are a small physiotherapy clinic located in Orléans (east end Ottawa), Ontario. M.A.P. Physiotherapists focus on what matters to you, spending time to understand your needs, and providing the personal attention that makes a real difference.
Meet Our Team
All of our therapists believe in treating a whole person, not just the part that hurts. We have various areas of interest and expertise to meet all of your health care needs. We look forward to helping you.
Marie Shinmoto
Registered Physiotherapist
Janet Dill
Registered Physiotherapist
Veronica Rogovsky
Registered Physiotherapist